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How to save money on your commute

Globe Trotting just made easier - An Affordable World
Travel by Cargo Ship

Don’t spend money on planes! These days there are so many flights that are cheaper than buses but don’t go for those.

Obviously I realize If you want to start your travels you might have to use the plane, but if you’re brave you could instead choose to travel by means of cargo ships as Graham Hughes, a man who has seen every country in the world did. His advice, just as that of any traveler who has seen more than one country is, use public transport.

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Just to give you an idea, getting from Australia to Papua New Guinea or Indonesia if you like can be done via cargo ships which will cost around $100. This is just to give you a vague idea that crossing oceans without planes is also possible.

Globe Trotting just made easier - An Affordable World

If you’re less adventurous and want to just get to your destination, then try the smaller companies that offer cheaper flights.

This is huge in Europe and for local travel in the US; I found a 30 Euro ticket from a small German airport to London Stansted – beware though some of these smaller airports are much further away from cities and so you must check schedules of buses if you want to use their service.

Getting to small airports by taxi is a secondary but expensive option.


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